At his profession of love she fell into his arms and permitted him a long kiss before she answered: "I believe you Russ. I believe you because I love you too. It began with me the moment I saw your arm stained with your blood. I wanted to hold you in my arms from that very moment and tell you that I loved you. That's why I just had to get you away from those men."

"Well . . . would you marry me then? I don't want to leave Chicago without you now . . . Then he sat up quickly and said: "Oh my gosh. I have completely forgotten my job. What am I going to do?”

"She pushed him back down to a prone position on the bed. "Let me answer your questions in the rank of their importance. “Yes, I will marry you today, tomorrow, or as soon as we can get married. You won't leave Chicago without me. And as for your job, you can call them from the phone here and tell them you want a week's vacation to get married. If they won't give it to you then tell them you quit right now. We'll get you another job.”

Jubilantly he embraced her and kissed her fervently. "Wow, what kind of a wife have I found? Okay darling. Let me at the phone. Moments later his supervisor had granted him ten days in which to get married and honeymoon. In addition, he suggested that he move his residence to St. Louis. "You are going to work the region there from now on. It's a territory that will permit you to support a pretty wife and any children that you may have. If you continue to produce, then you'll get an addi- tional percentage increase on your sales volume. How does that sound?”

"Wonderful, Mr. Blanchard", Russ almost shouted into the phone. “I'll call you the moment we find an apartment in St. Louis. Will that be all right?"

"That will be fine Russ", he was told. After the usual good byes were said and the phone was replaced on the hook, the two lovebirds were almost beside themselves with happiness.

The happy ending to the story came, when Rita really came into her own after she met several other boy-girls. This was accomplished through meeting Janice's brother Fred. Fred was a member of FPE as Freida, a sorority of those heterosexual men who expressed a feminine side of themselves through dressing as women part time. How happy Fred- Freida was, to know he had a brother in law who at times would be his: sister in law? Oh Well . . . Rita and Freida are living in Seventh Heaven and Janice is happy with what she has too. A fine husband, a fine bro- ther, and two pretty girl friends.